It’s been a while. The first unit of Virk I has been finally finished (more than a month ago, indeed). There’s a fourth working axis now and I’ve polished my modified Marlin version. Currently, I’m working on a simple python program to implement some simple tasks using OpenCV. Here’s the video.
The python software runs on a computer with a webcam, and the perspective transform is used to convert camera coordinates to robot coordinates. This implies a previous calibration process using four points. Eventually all this stuff could be, as far as I know, run on a RPI, thus avoding a full computer on the chain.
I’ve been decided to postpone the Open Hardware thing, as there’s really no interest, probably because the trend today is to 3D print arms, and milling is too overkill for most people.
So what’s next? I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll finish the other units and just try to sell them. Or I could make something else with all those robots. To be honest I will love to open a place with robots and cnc machines, where people can interact with robots and see cnc machines in action. A place to learn and have fun. Or maybe I will start to make and sell just some simple crafts. Who knows.
Currently, I’m competing on several local entrepreneurship contests, searching for a business plan, talking with people to get feedback, etc. In a few words, I’m going outside the shop, into the real world. Any ideas about my new direction now?
Great Project i Hope that you Will post HW design files. Wish you all the Best.